Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Main Entry: pal·ette
Pronunciation: \ˈpa-lət\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Middle French, diminutive of pale spade, from Latin pala; probably akin to Latin pangere to fix — more at pact
Date: 1622
1: a thin oval or rectangular board or tablet that a painter holds and mixes pigments on
2 a: the set of colors put on the palette b (1): a particular range, quality, or use of color (2): a comparable range, quality, or use of available elements (a rich palette of tones and timbres) (a palette of flavors)

Main Entry: pix·el
Pronunciation: \ˈpik-səl, -ˌsel\
Function: noun
Etymology: pix + element
Date: 1969
1 : any of the small discrete elements that together constitute an image (as on a television or computer screen)

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